Sunday, November 10, 2013
The gym's closed..
We’ve all had it happen to us before, getting pumped to go shred some hammer curls at the gym and then suddenly the stairway to heaven reads closed.
This is where swole sharks shine, no matter what a swole shark will get its pump if it’s the last thing it does. Many people feel limited to the confines of a gym to seek exercise, in other words the people who drive to the gym to run on the treadmill. With a little creativity and understanding on how the body works the walls of the gym soon fall and the world becomes our gym. I myself usually have approximately 3 outdoor workouts a week. There is a wide range of exercises and locations the world has to offer.
My favorite place to go is the park next to my house. It offered a jungle gym where I would perform a wide range of calisthenics and body weights exercises. All it takes is some motivation and initiative to get your pump on.
I ran into another experience this past summer while away on military training. While I was on basics there were no workout materials for us to use, so I along with my temporary swole mate devised a strategy to get a pump on. We used sand bags as dumbbells, dead lifted fallen trees, did endless amounts of pull-ups along with pushups. We had the drive and initiative and we gained from it. At the end of basics I was able to do a push up, tap my chest, clap behind my back then clap in front of me again before catching myself on the ground to do 20 more. This is living proof that if you work at something results will follow.
There is a man who is famous for getting swole without a gym and shares a quite remarkable story. I invite you to check out Kali muscle:
Can't have one without the other
Good day, and salutations
Today's topic will revolve around dieting, bulking, and the common misconseptios and "brosience" revolving around these subjects. I believe that in order to achieve remarkable progress in swolness, aesthetics, strength and power there are 3 main pillars that come into play in this chronological order (most important to least important): Workout flex, diet and maintenance, and genetics. This being said just going to the gym and working out will not get you anywhere, that is only half the battle. You must put the same effort in nutrition that you do in the gym, only then will you reach your true potential to make gains. That being said I am not saying begin dieting, however what one should be doing is becoming informed and know what you are putting into your body. You see the body is somewhat like an engine, you get what you put in. If you put low quality fuel into your engine you will get low quality results and in the body's case food is the fuel. Now, I usually go by a rule to at least consume 1.5grams of protein for every pound of body weight (excluding protein shakes). The reason for that is that protein is necessary for the development and growth of muscle. It is key to note that one must change their fuel depending on what their goals are. If you are trying to bulk (build muscle and fat) then greater quantities of fat, calories and carbs will be needed. The benefit of bulking is that though you are putting on fat it is easier to put on muscle at the same time as fat. All in all, it is not important to diet but to know what you are putting in your body. I strongly recommend taking the time to research nutrition for athletes or even taking a class, after all knowledge is power.
I’m not sure if many of you had heard of “brosience” before? If not let me tell you : it is when someone usually a “bro” makes certain claims without any logic or facts. Example: a bro walks up to you while you’re benching and says “you should put your feet in the air when you bench because it increases testosterone flow to your chest”. That statement was completely wrong and illogical.
If you didn’t notice I didn’t touch on one of the pillars in the previous and that would be ginetics. Good genetics is something you either have or don’t, fortunately I have been blessed with very good muscle developing genetics making life easier. I did not touch on it because it is a invariable factor, something we cannot change. One cannot improve their genetics but their exercise and nutrition is something you have control over so focus on that.
heres the perfect video reguarding broscience
Monday, October 14, 2013
Growth Hormone..
Leg day…
The day of the week that separates the men from the boys, dreaded by many yet embraced by few. Leg day hurts the most, requires the most energy and conditions must be just right in order for me to go into the gym and man up to the squat rack. I prefer back day, ab day, arm day chest day to leg day. I always have to pick a time of the week for my leg workouts where I know that I will not be on my feet for an extensive amount time for the days following leg day. Although there is much pain, it must be done. There is nothing worse than a guy whose arms are bigger than his legs. That right there is person who takes the easy way and who probably wears pants to the beach. Legs are a very demanding portion of the body to train as they contain the biggest muscles of the body.
If you can take the pain there is a great reward for you. Because the muscles of the leg are so big when you workout them out your body secretes more growth hormone compared to when you work out any other part of your body. If you are smart and would like to capitalize on this opportunity then take a good look at yourself and figure out what small detail about yourself could use work. What I mean by this is look for a small muscle group that seems to be slacking in the growth department, for me it’s my traps. Now I say small because working out two main muscle groups in one day (chest legs) may be a bit too much. Because of the large flux of growth hormone on leg day hitting a trap workout with it will greatly help my chances of further muscle development in my traps. The growth hormone will help them grow more on that day than any other day.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Swole mates
When in the gym do you ever wish you had somebody to help you get that extra rep, to swoop in just as the guillotine of death otherwise known as the decline bench press is about to be off with your head and save you? Somebody that will motivate you and coach you on your form? Many of you may be thinking that I’m making reference to a personal trainer of sorts, if so you are sadly mistaken. What I am making reference to is possibly the most valuable investment a gym member can make. What I am speaking of is a swole mate, a swole mate is somebody whose muscles and heart have coincided with yours and together you both seek to reach your true swole potential. Becoming swole mates is a true commitment that goes deeper than any friendship, gym and even the fabric of the lift protein continuum.
Choosing a swole mate may be difficult at times. In the gym just as anywhere knowledge is power which is a key quality to look for. With knowledge the swole mate may be able to coach you on your form, diet, and workout which will help you get the most out of your lifting experience. Next quality I would look for is the ability to separate work from play. Of course you and your swole will have good times together but when in the gym it is the wrong place to be playing around, you are there to work. Finally the last and possibly the most important quality is chemistry, it’s either there or it isn’t. After all swole mates make the commitment of camaraderie, they make going to the gym something to look forward to on a Friday night because it’s just like hanging out with one of the bros. I have been very fortunate with my swole mate as we happen to be best friends. He keeps me committed to the gym because we never hit a workout without each other so if I cheat a workout I cheat my swole mate and I would never cheat on my swole mate. We have a unique connection and when in the gym we can communicate without words.
Overall swole mates are two people who have realized the need to lift and united to better themselves and each other. They lift together, sweat together and may sometimes cry together. They will always have each other’s backs in and out of the gym. Something like a two man wolfpack.
Monday, September 30, 2013
1st !
To lift or not to lift? It is a question that shall never daunt the minds of
swole sharks alike, for us it is seen as a necessity, something that we thrive upon
to feel complete and swole.
Hi, my name is Ryan and this is my blog. Needless to say, some people here may be new to this sort of lifestyle and or lingo that I’ll be throwing around.
(Swole: Extremely muscular or buff.
Craig: yo Ray Ray have you seen Trey lately?
Ray: yeah he's been hitting the weights hasn't he?
Craig: yeah he's swole dawg
Essentially swole shark is a blog in which I express my views/opinions and offer insight regarding working out and muscle development, in other words becoming swole.)
Some info about me:
For many years I have devoted my
life to athletics and various sports ranging from swimming and soccer to boxing
and football. Now being in my later teens I have found a life of aesthetics and realize the need to being in being swole because of all of it’s benefits. The swole lifestyle brings forth many benefits for me. This lifestyle has brought out the confidence in me, as muscles (being swole) changes the way people see you and the way you see yourself. Don’t get me wrong, what I say may come off as shallow but it’s true. Looking good has given me sense of completeness and perhaps superiority. Because of my swolness I have been able to live my life the way I want to, without any regard for what anyone else thinks because I look/feel superior to most. Being swole is a part of who I am and it is a quality that has enabled me to step forward and take initiative in life, it is the reason why I have pursued and conquered many of the challenges I have accepted in a wide range of domains.
I still continue with many sports but devote much of my time lifting
heavy iron. The necessity to be a perfect 10/10 on the swolometer has
driven me.
I invite you to come and embarque our journey on a road leading to swolness together. But first in order to take the steps in becoming a genuine swole shark one must follow these four virtues:
1. Put the lift first
2. Work hard
3. Consume lots of protein
4. Finally with this pledge of allegiance to the lift thou shall be swole.
The definition for swole was brought to you be
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