Sunday, November 10, 2013

Can't have one without the other

Good day, and salutations Today's topic will revolve around dieting, bulking, and the common misconseptios and "brosience" revolving around these subjects. I believe that in order to achieve remarkable progress in swolness, aesthetics, strength and power there are 3 main pillars that come into play in this chronological order (most important to least important): Workout flex, diet and maintenance, and genetics. This being said just going to the gym and working out will not get you anywhere, that is only half the battle. You must put the same effort in nutrition that you do in the gym, only then will you reach your true potential to make gains. That being said I am not saying begin dieting, however what one should be doing is becoming informed and know what you are putting into your body. You see the body is somewhat like an engine, you get what you put in. If you put low quality fuel into your engine you will get low quality results and in the body's case food is the fuel. Now, I usually go by a rule to at least consume 1.5grams of protein for every pound of body weight (excluding protein shakes). The reason for that is that protein is necessary for the development and growth of muscle. It is key to note that one must change their fuel depending on what their goals are. If you are trying to bulk (build muscle and fat) then greater quantities of fat, calories and carbs will be needed. The benefit of bulking is that though you are putting on fat it is easier to put on muscle at the same time as fat. All in all, it is not important to diet but to know what you are putting in your body. I strongly recommend taking the time to research nutrition for athletes or even taking a class, after all knowledge is power. I’m not sure if many of you had heard of “brosience” before? If not let me tell you : it is when someone usually a “bro” makes certain claims without any logic or facts. Example: a bro walks up to you while you’re benching and says “you should put your feet in the air when you bench because it increases testosterone flow to your chest”. That statement was completely wrong and illogical. If you didn’t notice I didn’t touch on one of the pillars in the previous and that would be ginetics. Good genetics is something you either have or don’t, fortunately I have been blessed with very good muscle developing genetics making life easier. I did not touch on it because it is a invariable factor, something we cannot change. One cannot improve their genetics but their exercise and nutrition is something you have control over so focus on that.

heres the perfect video reguarding broscience


  1. I watched the video and it was very funny, but you said you need to put quality foods into your body yet he's talking about Subway and McDonalds? While it's true that good form and a healthy diet are key to a fit body, I don't think genetics plays as big of a role as once thought. The reason you'd be overweight when you're entire family is overweight is because you're most likely eating what they're eating. I know many people who are thin and live with obese parents, and vice versa. I think it all comes down to hard work and persistence.

    Great post though, Ryan!

    1. In my post I poke fun and mention the stupidity of "broscience". The purpose of the video is to highlight the stupidity of "broscience". In the first frame of the video it states "broscience". Though genetics does not depict weather you will be over weight or not ( I agree with you there) but genetics determines your muscular/genetic potential potential as well as muscle type. It is why African Americans are better sprinters why oriental races tend to be shorter, why Ronnie Coleman is so big, why I can easily put on muscle on others cant. I invite you to check out my blog "Why does it work for him but not me?" as it pertains much information on the topic.

  2. Awesome video, to get big and bulk just eat anything you want till you get to that magical muscly / fat body then start eating clean food to get ripped and look good. Bodybuilding is more about how much you can eat then how hard you can work out. The Brofesser never lies.
