Wednesday, January 22, 2014

All natural steroids

SSSSHHHH, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. You know a lot of athletes use steroids: power lifters, strong men, as well as baseball players and football players. You know why? Because steroids work. That being said with this post I’m going to let you in on a little secret on how your body can release its own natural steroids, without having to give in to the pressures of drug abuse... in a natural way.
Now, this is something that a lot of people don’t know. During our evolution as human beings we were designed to have our anabolic hormones to be released when the sun is going down. Now, what does that mean? Your anabolic hormones are your testosterones, growth hormones, THEA, Melatonin etc… These are some of the hormones that athletes use in steroids that your body produces naturally. What we want to do is maximize our body’s capacity to produce as much of those natural steroids as possible. One of the ways we can do that is by honouring the fact that our body releases its own as the sun starts to set. Basically, the sun starts setting and your body wants to naturally release anabolic hormones, but guess what happens? We disrupt that because of our busy lifestyles. We immerse ourselves in situations and in rooms where the light is very bright, we stare at computer screens, we stare at TV screens and these shock us back into a catabolic mode. Now, catabolics is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum as anabolics (in other words a catabolic state is what we want to avoid). Our body naturally releases catabolic hormones when the sun goes up OR when we’re in really bright environments, like what happens when the sun goes down and we turn on the lights. Some of the things you can do to take advantage of that time from when the sun sets to when it rises to get your body flowing with a lot of testosterone and growth hormone are: 1. When the sun does start to set you should start to calm down also. Make sure you start going to bed on time, the minute your head hits the pillow your body starts becoming anabolic. No later than 10:30 at night you should be putting your head on that pillow and are ready to be lights out. You want to maximize the time with your head on the pillow so you don’t want to wake up before 6:30. Now I don’t honour that myself usually because I simply can’t but you want to be up at about the same time the sun starts to rise. 2. The other way to increase your anabolic hormones naturally is to take advantage of the growth hormone(GH) that is released when we do two things. The first is, when we eat LOTS of food, our body releases GH into the blood stream. The other thing is when we press heavy weights, dead lift, squat. When you strain yourself with heavy weights your body has no other choice due to the pressure to release GH that will cause you to be better faster and stronger. Do what you got to do and as always Stay swole.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

To train or not to train when sore?

After a work out many individuals experience soreness in the targeted muscle groups otherwise known as DOMS(delayed onset muscle soreness). This soreness leaves many individuals wondering if they should go back to the gym.
I vote yes, you’re going to want to back to the gym and train, BUT the way you train is going to have to be different. The reason why you’re going to want to go back to the gym and train is because you want to train your nervous system to remember and respond to the ranges of motion associated with the exercises that you’re going to need to do later on. What happens is after the acute experience of the soreness goes away (I’ve experienced this myself and have seen it in other people) is that the restricted range of motion becomes chronic. Because of the apprehension in moving into these ranges of motion because of pain, people don’t do it for days or even weeks. Once it comes time to go back to the gym your subconscious becomes apprehensive towards those ranges of motion and then you end up avoiding them. Such can be seen more so in compound movements (squats deadlifts). So, what you don’t want to have happen is an acute response to soreness lead to a chronic deterioration of your ranges of motion. One of the best ways to avoid that is to go to the gym and stretch. What you’re going to want to do is to static stretch into a deep squat, a deep bend or press and hold that stretch. You’re going to want to stretch everything from your legs to your neck. If you have foam roller use a foam roller. The thing is you don’t want to allow that mummified body of yours (due to the soreness) to become a chronic condition. In other words yes, get to the gym and train but do it more so for your nervous system and it WILL also help your muscular tissue recover faster.

When the weekend hits, Part 2

Woah! Before reading check out part 1 down below! 1. You’re going to get the results that you’ve been after because you haven’t broken up your efforts. 2. Another thing that’s going to happen is that you’ve now created separation between the pattern and your consciousness; you’ve now taken back control of your behaviour. The going out and getting trashed has been separated from your behaviour and you can now see it as an external entity. So now you can decide whether or not you’re going to participate or not, it does not own you. See right now, the weekends own you that pattern own’s you but when you break the pattern and you can see it as a separate entity you can now decide if you wish to partake. What you’re going to recognise at the end of that 30 days is that you’re going to say “I really don’t miss drinking that much, that’s kind of odd and strange. I’m not hankering for it, I’m not longing for it” like you were one month ago. Now you have the opportunity to choose, it’s not completely unconscious and you’re not just getting carried away with the pattern. And that’s how you empower yourself. That’s how you break these habitual patterns that damage our results in every area of our life.

When the weekend hits, Part 1

Once more I will be tackling a viewer’s question in regards to the weekend. My classmate says: “During the week I’m doing 100%. My diet is fine my routine is great, I’m focused on my bodybuilding goals but as soon as the weekend comes I throw it all away, I get wasted with my friends, wake up with a hangover and don’t eat for a full day. What should I do?” So I want to let you know that I can relate to you. Not that I get wasted every weekend but I’m more relaxed, I wake up later. Sometimes I go out it friends or I visit family and eat too many goodies. So the weekends are a time where your entire schedule is thrown off. What I propose is to give yourself one month, I always say give yourself a thirty day challenge when trying to get a grasp on your life. What’s happening right now is that you have no control over what’s going on. The weekend comes and it’s almost automatic to go out and suck a bottle. It’s like the steering wheel is out of your hand and the car is on cruise control and every single weekend this is happening. It’s become an unconscious behaviour; it’s a part of your pattern. So what you must do is interrupt the pattern, you need a complete 100% pattern interrupt. First off when starting this challenge it is important to set yourself up for success. So tell your friends let everyone know, and a good tip would be to hold off until after the holidays. Basically, for these 30 days you’re going to quit cold turkey, you’re not going to embark on any getting trashed adventures. You’re going to stick to your bodybuilding and when the weekend comes, you already told your friends “guys, its just 4 weeks, its only 4 weekends”. Keep on reminding yourself that “it’s only thirty days, its only thirty days” it’s going to tick down and it’s going to go away. In the grand scheme of things 30 days is nothing, one month is nothing. That being said what is going to happen are two things: (view part 2)

Why does it work for him but not me?

Recently I’ve been going over questions that various members of the lifting community have asked and I will be doing my part in attempting to answer them. So I received a question from a dear friend of mine who would like to know; “Why is it that no matter how much cross fitting I do, (I’ve been doing for years by the way) and no matter how much I follow all the principles and palio diets and use the supplements that I still look ordinary? How is it that guys like Rich Fronning can have such swole and strong physiques and I still look regular? Why is it that some of our elite athletes, elite cross fit athletes look better than some of our aesthetics bodybuilders? Does cross fit build bodies like that and if so how am I missing out? Why don’t I look like Rich Fronning?” First and foremost one the first things you must understand is that athletes that are word class athletes look like world class athletes in spite of being world class athletes. So what that means, is that Rich Fronning is going to be and look like Rich Fronning regardless if he did cross fit or power lifting, Olympic lifting, basketball or baseball, he is still going to look the same way. Rich:
The answer to why Rich Fronning looks the way he does can be explained in one simple word: genetics. Genetics dictates the form/shape of the body will take and Rich happens to take that form and do cross fit. Look at myself for example, I don’t have to do anything magical, I’m always going to be jacked, as I am genetically inclined to have muscle even since the age 6 I’ve had a six pack. This is the form of Ryan (myself) and that form is not related to what I do. No matter what I do I will have muscle. Me at 14 : Those guys in the cross fit games would look like and be as magnificent in whatever they do regardless of what they chose to do. Now you can’t do the thing that they’re doing and expect the same results. Why? Because you’re not them, you don’t have their genetics. You’re different, we’re all different. Simply stop looking at other people and wondering why is it that they have a particular result that you don’t have and then copying them as if you will achieve the same thing. This is why I despise those who purchase workout programs in hopes of transforming into the person on the cover. That person on the cover is going to look that way regardless of what he does. Don’t get me wrong, getting advice from people who are ahead of you is a good idea but expecting the same result, especially physically is insanity.