Sunday, January 12, 2014

When the weekend hits, Part 1

Once more I will be tackling a viewer’s question in regards to the weekend. My classmate says: “During the week I’m doing 100%. My diet is fine my routine is great, I’m focused on my bodybuilding goals but as soon as the weekend comes I throw it all away, I get wasted with my friends, wake up with a hangover and don’t eat for a full day. What should I do?” So I want to let you know that I can relate to you. Not that I get wasted every weekend but I’m more relaxed, I wake up later. Sometimes I go out it friends or I visit family and eat too many goodies. So the weekends are a time where your entire schedule is thrown off. What I propose is to give yourself one month, I always say give yourself a thirty day challenge when trying to get a grasp on your life. What’s happening right now is that you have no control over what’s going on. The weekend comes and it’s almost automatic to go out and suck a bottle. It’s like the steering wheel is out of your hand and the car is on cruise control and every single weekend this is happening. It’s become an unconscious behaviour; it’s a part of your pattern. So what you must do is interrupt the pattern, you need a complete 100% pattern interrupt. First off when starting this challenge it is important to set yourself up for success. So tell your friends let everyone know, and a good tip would be to hold off until after the holidays. Basically, for these 30 days you’re going to quit cold turkey, you’re not going to embark on any getting trashed adventures. You’re going to stick to your bodybuilding and when the weekend comes, you already told your friends “guys, its just 4 weeks, its only 4 weekends”. Keep on reminding yourself that “it’s only thirty days, its only thirty days” it’s going to tick down and it’s going to go away. In the grand scheme of things 30 days is nothing, one month is nothing. That being said what is going to happen are two things: (view part 2)

1 comment:

  1. Taking a break on the weekend is just pure laziness. Its pretty much like throwing all your gains out the window. If you don't want to work out on the weekend then intake food like a vacuum to keep your body growing. There's no point working hard during the week if youre going to relax and change everything on the weekend
