Wednesday, January 22, 2014

All natural steroids

SSSSHHHH, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. You know a lot of athletes use steroids: power lifters, strong men, as well as baseball players and football players. You know why? Because steroids work. That being said with this post I’m going to let you in on a little secret on how your body can release its own natural steroids, without having to give in to the pressures of drug abuse... in a natural way.
Now, this is something that a lot of people don’t know. During our evolution as human beings we were designed to have our anabolic hormones to be released when the sun is going down. Now, what does that mean? Your anabolic hormones are your testosterones, growth hormones, THEA, Melatonin etc… These are some of the hormones that athletes use in steroids that your body produces naturally. What we want to do is maximize our body’s capacity to produce as much of those natural steroids as possible. One of the ways we can do that is by honouring the fact that our body releases its own as the sun starts to set. Basically, the sun starts setting and your body wants to naturally release anabolic hormones, but guess what happens? We disrupt that because of our busy lifestyles. We immerse ourselves in situations and in rooms where the light is very bright, we stare at computer screens, we stare at TV screens and these shock us back into a catabolic mode. Now, catabolics is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum as anabolics (in other words a catabolic state is what we want to avoid). Our body naturally releases catabolic hormones when the sun goes up OR when we’re in really bright environments, like what happens when the sun goes down and we turn on the lights. Some of the things you can do to take advantage of that time from when the sun sets to when it rises to get your body flowing with a lot of testosterone and growth hormone are: 1. When the sun does start to set you should start to calm down also. Make sure you start going to bed on time, the minute your head hits the pillow your body starts becoming anabolic. No later than 10:30 at night you should be putting your head on that pillow and are ready to be lights out. You want to maximize the time with your head on the pillow so you don’t want to wake up before 6:30. Now I don’t honour that myself usually because I simply can’t but you want to be up at about the same time the sun starts to rise. 2. The other way to increase your anabolic hormones naturally is to take advantage of the growth hormone(GH) that is released when we do two things. The first is, when we eat LOTS of food, our body releases GH into the blood stream. The other thing is when we press heavy weights, dead lift, squat. When you strain yourself with heavy weights your body has no other choice due to the pressure to release GH that will cause you to be better faster and stronger. Do what you got to do and as always Stay swole.


  1. very interesting blog. i always work out when its dark outside. i just feel like i get a better work out that way. it must be my body is releasing more testosterone, as you said in your blog. ill for sure keep doing the same thing. thanks Ryan

  2. Very interesting look into the swole mentality. I didn't even know that existed before I read this blog. Your best posts were the ones where you added your own personal anecdotes or gave in-depth opinions.

  3. Good blog man you made many great points about how we really aren't optimizing our bodies recovery time and natural hormones. I'm someone who is guilty of having bad sleeping habits and perhaps abusing technology too much. I like the tips you gave to release natural growth hormone as it is a much wanted hormone in a teenage guy's life.
