Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why does it work for him but not me?

Recently I’ve been going over questions that various members of the lifting community have asked and I will be doing my part in attempting to answer them. So I received a question from a dear friend of mine who would like to know; “Why is it that no matter how much cross fitting I do, (I’ve been doing for years by the way) and no matter how much I follow all the principles and palio diets and use the supplements that I still look ordinary? How is it that guys like Rich Fronning can have such swole and strong physiques and I still look regular? Why is it that some of our elite athletes, elite cross fit athletes look better than some of our aesthetics bodybuilders? Does cross fit build bodies like that and if so how am I missing out? Why don’t I look like Rich Fronning?” First and foremost one the first things you must understand is that athletes that are word class athletes look like world class athletes in spite of being world class athletes. So what that means, is that Rich Fronning is going to be and look like Rich Fronning regardless if he did cross fit or power lifting, Olympic lifting, basketball or baseball, he is still going to look the same way. Rich:
The answer to why Rich Fronning looks the way he does can be explained in one simple word: genetics. Genetics dictates the form/shape of the body will take and Rich happens to take that form and do cross fit. Look at myself for example, I don’t have to do anything magical, I’m always going to be jacked, as I am genetically inclined to have muscle even since the age 6 I’ve had a six pack. This is the form of Ryan (myself) and that form is not related to what I do. No matter what I do I will have muscle. Me at 14 : Those guys in the cross fit games would look like and be as magnificent in whatever they do regardless of what they chose to do. Now you can’t do the thing that they’re doing and expect the same results. Why? Because you’re not them, you don’t have their genetics. You’re different, we’re all different. Simply stop looking at other people and wondering why is it that they have a particular result that you don’t have and then copying them as if you will achieve the same thing. This is why I despise those who purchase workout programs in hopes of transforming into the person on the cover. That person on the cover is going to look that way regardless of what he does. Don’t get me wrong, getting advice from people who are ahead of you is a good idea but expecting the same result, especially physically is insanity.

1 comment:

  1. Genetics play a huge role in a person. Not everyone can look like Ronny Coleman or jay cutler. But if you want to look like them and your doing cross fit, you might as well give up your dreams. The way to find a great body is to find a diet and work out plan that works for you and your body type. Ryan is a mesomorphs that means that he puts on muscle easily, I'm a ectomorph that means i'm going to be skinny. there are ways to change that in diet and exercise.
